
BCN 5715

Advanced Construction Labor Problems

Rinker 238: Tuesdays 6:15-9:10 PM


Instructor:         Jimmie Hinze, P.E., Ph.D.         Rinker 340                   Tel: 273-1167



Office Hours: MTWF 10:00 to 12:00 PM


Text: Selected Readings 


Date                                        Topic

August 29            Introduction, Labor in the News, Functions on Job Sites, Job Descrip.

September 5        Labor Terms, Performance Evaluations

September 12      Labor Agreements, Absenteeism and Turnover

September 19      Policy Manual Project, oyo, nct

September 26      Hiring Practices (Cheryl Harris)

October 3           Labor Supply Issues (Day Labor and Immigrant Labor Concerns)

October 10         Open Shop/Union Shop (changing one to the other) (Steve Johns, Russell Hamilton)

October 17         Jobsite Security,

October 24         Exam #1, Labor Policy Manual

October 31         History of the Labor Movement (Dr. Morrie Trimmer)

November 7        Worker Motivation, Interpersonal Conflicts, Violence in the Workplace, Sexual Harassment

November 14      Federal Labor Laws Enacted Before 1936

November 21      Federal Labor Laws Enacted After

November 28      Problem Solving by Defining Objectives

December 5        Major Points in the Policy Manual Project


December 13      Final Exam    (Wednesday at 7:30 AM) )


Note: Some adjustments in the syllabus will be made to accommodate guest lecturers. 

            Guest Lecturers: Steve Johns (Oct.),

General Policies

In-class assignments cannot be made up for unexcused absences.  Absences are considered excused if advance notice is given of the absence, whether by telephone or in-person.  Traditional family emergencies and illnesses are considered grounds for excused absences.  Absences in this class are not anticipated.  After one absence, there will be a grade reduction of 3% (from the course grade) for each additional missed class.


Grading Policy:

        Major Exams:               20 pts each                  Presentations                       5 pts

        In class work                2-5 pts each                 Topic papers                     10 pts

        Home work                     3 pts each                 

A is 90-100%                B+ is 87-89.9%                 B is 80-86.9%              C+ is 77-79.9%

C is 70-76.9%               D+ is 67-69.9%                 D is 60-66.9%             F is below 60%