M. E. Rinker, Sr.

School of Building Construction

University of Florida


Name:             Hinze, Jimmie, Holland Professor

Director, The Center for Construction Safety and Loss Control


Educational Background/Degree:

A.A., Blinn Junior College, 1966

B.S. Arch. E., University of Texas at Austin, 1970

M.S. Arch. E., University of Texas at Austin, 1972

Ph.D., Stanford University, 1976




Interim Associate Dean and Professor, College of Architecture, University of Florida, 1999-2000.


Director and Professor, M. E. Rinker, Sr. School of Building Construction, Univ. of Florida, 1996-1999.


Visiting Lecturer, University of Texas at Austin, Summer 1996.


Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Washington, September 16, 1992-1996.


Adjunct Prof., Dept. of Building Construction, University of Washington, September 16, 1993-1996.


Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Washington, Sept. 1, 1984-Sept. 15, 1992.


Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Civil Engrg, Univ. of Canterbury, Christchurch, NZ, Jan. 1- Aug. 15, 1992.


Faculty member, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Missouri-Columbia, 1977 – 1984.


Employee Training and Development, Clearwater Constructors, Inc., Austin, Texas, summer 1983.


Project Engineer, Clearwater Constructors, Inc., Austin, Texas, summer 1982.


Visiting Lecturer, University of Texas at Austin, summer 1981.

Field Supervisor and Field Engineer, Clearwater Constructors, Inc., San Antonio, Texas, summer 1980.

Project Engineer, Homer J. Olsen, Inc. Sacramento, California, summer 1979.

Assistant Project Engineer, Homer J. Olsen, Inc., Sacramento, California, summer 1978.

Research Civil Engineer, Nat’l Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C., July-Dec. 1976, summer 1977.

Assistant Construction Manager, Jagger Construction Company, Austin, Texas, May 1972-Sept. 1973.

Assistant Welder, Atkinson Steel Company, Austin, Texas, 1974.

Glass and Glazing Assistant, Speight's Glass and Glazing Company, Austin, Texas, 1974.

Carpenter's Helper, Pedernales Construction Company, Austin, Texas, 1974.

Drawing Checker, Anken Construction Company, Austin, Texas, 1971.

Planner and Estimator, P. G. Bell Construction Company, Houston, Texas, summers 1969 and 1970.


Professional Registration/Licensure

Construction Management, Licensed Professional Engineer: Missouri E-20791

OSHA 500 and 501 Certificate

Master Trainer: National Center for Construction Education and Research


Professional Associations/Affiliations

Construction Industry Institute (CII) Safety Community of Practice (Administrator)

CIB Working Committee W-99, Construction Safety and Health (Coordinator)

ASCE Committee on Site Safety

ASCE Social and Environmental Concerns in Construction Committee

ASCE Construction Research Council

ASCE Construction Division Publications Committee

Constructor Member: American Institute of Constructors
Member, Safety Committee of the National Center for Construction Education and Research
ASSE American Society of Safety Engineers (UF Student Chapter Advisor)
CII Academic Committee



Phi Theta Kappa (community college honorary)

Chi Epsilon (civil engineering honorary)

Tau Beta Pi (engineering honorary)

Phi Kappa Phi (general honorary)

James Stephen Hogg Society (leadership honorary)

Outstanding Young Men of America

Lexington Who’s Who

The Elite Who’s Who Among American Builders Contractors & Designers

Strathmore’s Who’s Who

Honored Member - Americas Registry of Outstanding Professionals

2002 University of Florida Research Foundation (UFRF) Professor

2001-2002 ASSE/NIOSH Cash Award Competition (with Xinyu Huang)

2003 Construction Industry Institute “Outstanding Researcher of the Year”

Peurifoy Award, ASCE, November 2003

Faculty Achievement Recognition (April 2007)

Holland Professorship (2001 to present)









Advisement at UF (since 1996):


·         Doctoral Chair/Co-Chair:  5 students

·         Doctoral Committee for 6 students

·         Masters Thesis/Report Chair for 53 students (over 95% were thesis)

·         Masters Thesis/Report Committee for 16 students


Publications: (since 1996, at UF)


·         Author/Co-author of 2 textbooks

·         Editor of 2 textbooks

·         Author/Co-author of 31 refereed journal articles

·         Author/Co-author of 54 refereed conference proceeding articles

·         Author of 3 non-refereed publications.

·         Presented 6 Keynote Addresses

·         Presented without proceedings 39 presentations



Academic Reports

Hinze, Jimmie W., "The Effect of Middle Management on Safety in the Construction Industry," Stanford University, Stanford, California, 1976.  (Doctoral Dissertation)


Hinze, Jimmie W., "Investigation of Monomer Systems, Methods of Application and Curing for Polymer-Impregnated Concrete Surface Treatments," University of Texas at Austin, 1972.  Master's Thesis.


Books and Chapters of Books

Smith, J. and Hinze, J. Construction Management: Subcontractor Scopes, CRC Press, 2010 (in process)

Hinze, Jimmie, Construction Contracts, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 3rd Edition, New York, 2010 (in process).

Hinze, Jimmie, Construction Planning and Scheduling, Third Edition, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 2007.

Hinze, Jimmie, Construction Safety, 2nd Edition., Alta Printing, Gainesville, FL, 2006.

Hinze, Jimmie (Editor), (2003), International Electronic Journal of Construction, (Special Issue: Construction Safety Education and Training: A Global Perspective, M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Building Construction.

Fang D., Huang X., and Hinze, J.. Construction Safety Management in China. China Hydraulic Engineering Press. Beijing, China, Nov. 2001. (In Chinese)

Coble, R., Hinze, J., Haupt, T., (Editors), Construction Safety & Health Management, Prentice-Hall, Princeton, New Jersey 2000, wrote Chapter 2: “Incurring the Costs of Injuries Versus Investing in Safety,” Prentice-Hall, Inc., 2000.

Coble, R., Haupt, T., Hinze, J., (Editors), The Management of Construction Safety and Health, A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 2000.


Peer-Refereed Professional Journals


Hinze, J. and S. Olbina, S., (2009) “Empirical Analysis of the Learning Curve Principle in Pre-stressed Concrete Piles” ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management Vol. 135, No. 5 May.


Fang, D., J. Hinze, and R. Choudhry (2008), Guest Editors, Safety Science, Vol. 46, No. 4 April.


Hinze, J. and G. Giang, (2008) “Factors associated with construction worker eye injuries.” Safety Science, Vol. 46, No. 4 April.


Hinze, J. and M. Harris, (2007) “Problem Areas in Personal Fall Arrest Systems in the Construction Industry.” American Society of Safety Engineers, Vol. 6, No. 3 March.


Hinze, J. (2006) “Making Safety an Ongoing Part of the Construction Process Through Pre-task Planning,” in International Electronic Journal of Construction, (Special Issue: Construction Safety Best Practices, 11 pp, http://www.bcn.ufl.edu/iejc


Hinze, J., J. N. Devenport, and G. Giang. (2006) “Analysis of Construction Worker Injuries That Do Not Result in Lost Time,” ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 132, No. 3 March.


Huang, X., and J. Hinze. (2006) “The Owner’s Role in Construction Safety: A Guidance Model,” ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 132, No. 2 February.


Huang, X., and J. Hinze. (2006) “The Owner’s Role in Construction Safety,” ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 132, No. 2 February.


Gambatese, J., M. Behm, and J. Hinze. (2005) “Viability of Designing for Construction Worker Safety,” ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 131, No. 9, September.


 Hinze, J. (2005) “Practices that Influence Safety Performance on Power Plant Outages,” ASCE Practice Periodical on Structures and Construction, Vol. 10, No. 3, August.


Berg, R. and J. Hinze. (2005) “Theft and Vandalism on Construction Sites,” ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 131, No. 7, July 1.


Hinze, J, (2005) “Use of Trench Boxes for Worker Protection,” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 131, No. 4, April 1.


Hinze , J., X. Huang and L. Terry. (2005) “The Nature of Struck-by Accidents,” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 131, No. 2, February 1.


Fang, D., X. Huang and J. Hinze, (2004) “Benchmarking Studies on Construction Safety Management in China" ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 130, No. 3, May/June.


Abraham, D., J. McGlothlin, D. Halpin, and J. Hinze, (2004), Construction Safety Alliance (CSA) Examining Causes of Construction Injuries and Defining Best Practices That Improve Safety Performance,” Construction Information Quarterly, Chartered Institute of Building, Vol. 6, No. 1.


Hinze, J., (2003), "Safety Training Practices for U.S. Construction Workers", in International Electronic Journal of Construction, (Special Issue: Construction Safety Education and Training: A Global Perspective,10 pp, http://www.bcn.ufl.edu/iejc


Borg, R., J. Gambatese, K. Haines, Jr., C. Hendrickson, J. Hinze, A. Horvath, E. Koehn, S. Moritz, M. Mass, and R. Haughney. (2003) “Rebuilding the World Trade Center,” ASCE Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, 8(3), 137-145, August.


Huang, X., and J. Hinze. “Analysis of Construction Worker Fall Accidents,” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 129, No. 3, May/June, 2003.


Hinze, J. and J. Gambatese, “Factors That Influence The Safety Performance of Specialty Contractors,” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, April, 2003.


Hinze, J and R. Godfrey. “An Evaluation of Safety Performance Measures for Construction Projects,” Special Issue 1 in Construction Health & Safety, Journal of Construction Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, March, 2003.


Hinze, J, “Safety Incentives: Do They Reduce Injuries?” ASCE Practice Periodical on Structures and Construction, Vol. 7, No. 2, May 2002.


Hinze, J. and G. Wilson, “Moving Toward a Zero Injury Objective,” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 126, No. 5, September/October 2000.


Holland, N. and J. Hinze, “Daylight Savings Time Changes and Construction Accidents,” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 126, No. 5, September/October 2000.


Gambatese, J. and J. Hinze, “Computer Software for Construction Practice and Education,” AIC, The American Professional Constructor, Vol. 24, No. 1, June 2000.


Gambatese, J.A. and Hinze, J.W. (2000).  “Computer-Assisted Safety Training to Evaluate Construction Site Hazards.”  International Journal of Computer-Integrated Design and Construction (CIDAC), SETO, London, England.  Accepted April 2000 for publication.


Hall, G. and J. Hinze, “Preserving Historic and Archeological Materials Found During Construction,” CRM Magazine, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2000.


Gambatese, J.A. and Hinze, J.W. (1999).  “Addressing Construction Worker Safety in the Design Phase: Designing for Construction Worker Safety.”  Automation in Construction, Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Vol. 8, Issue 6, pp. 643-649.


Coble, R., J. Hinze, M. McDermott, and B. Elliott, “Colleges’ Emphasis on Construction Safety,” AIC, The American Professional Constructor, Vol. 22, No. 2, December 1998.


Uhlik, F., and J. Hinze, “Trends in the Construction Needs of Hospital Facilities,” Journal of Architectural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 4, No. 4, December 1998.


Hinze, J., C. Pedersen, and J. Fredley, “Identifying Root Causes of Construction Injuries,” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 124, No. 1, January/February 1998.


Hinze, Jimmie and T. McClelland, “Risk Assessment in Underground Construction: Uncertainty is Certain”, No-Dig Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 3, May/June 1997.


Gambatese, J., J. Hinze, and C. Haas, “Tool to Design for Construction Worker Safety,” Journal of Architectural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 3, No. 1, March 1997, pp 32-41.


Hinze, Jimmie, and David Bren, "Analysis of Fatalities and Injuries Due to Powerline Contacts," Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE. Vol. 122, No. 2, June 1996.


Hinze, Jimmie, and Andrew Nelson, "Enhancing the Performance of Soundless Chemical Demotion Agents," Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE. Vol. 122, No. 2, June 1996.


Hinze, Jimmie and Katherine Bren, “Identifying OSHA Paragraphs of Particular Interest,” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE. Vol. 122, No. 1, March 1996.


Hinze, Jimmie, Nancy Piepho, and David Bren, "Workers' Compensation Experience Modification Rates: as a Measure of Safety Performance?" Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE. Vol. 121, No. 4, December 1995.


Hinze, Jimmie, and Andrew Tracey, Closure: "The Contractor-Subcontractor Relationship: The Subcontractor's View," Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 121, No. 3, September 1995.


Hinze, Jimmie, and Debra Russell, "Analysis of Fatalities Recorded by OSHA," Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE. Vol. 121, No. 2, June 1995


Hinze, Jimmie, and James Brown, "Properties of Soundless Chemical Demotion Agents," Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE. Vol. 120, No. 4, December 1994


Hinze, Jimmie, and Andrew Tracey, "The Contractor-Subcontractor Relationship: The Subcontractor's View," Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 120, No. 2, June 1994.


Hinze, Jimmie, and Jennifer Tada, "General Conditions Provisions Critical to Construction Contracts, Part 2," Power Engineering, Vol. 97, No. 2, February 1993.


Hinze, Jimmie, and Jennifer Tada, "General Conditions Provisions Critical to Construction Contracts," Power Engineering, Vol. 97, No. 1, January 1993.


Hinze, Jimmie, and Francis Wiegand, "Role of Designers in Construction Worker Safety," Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 118, No. 4, December 1992.


Hinze, Jimmie, and Anne Kusaka, "Discussion: Safety Programs and the Construction Manager," Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 118, No. 3, September 1992.


Hinze, Jimmie, Greg Selstead, and Joe Mahoney, "Cost Overruns on State of Washington Construction Contracts," Transportation Research Record, 1351, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 1992.


Hinze, Jimmie, and Lisa Appellate, "Costs of Construction Injuries," Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 117, No. 3, September 1991.


Hinze, Jimmie, and Theresa Antal, "Construction Contract Provisions for Preservation of Artifacts," Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 117, No. 1, March 1991.


Hinze, Jimmie, and Bryce Coleman, "Time Provisions in State Highway Construction Contracts," Transportation Research Record, 1310, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 1991.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Providers Forecast 5-Year Construction Spending," Journal of the Healthcare Financial Management Association, Vol. 44, No. 5, May 1990.


Hinze, Jimmie, and Dana Carlisle, "Variables Affected by Nighttime Construction Projects," Transportation Research Board, 1282, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 1990.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Closure: Safety on Large Building Construction Projects," Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 115, No. 4, December 1989.


Schram, Charles M., and Jimmie Hinze, "Fracturing of Rock Using Expansive Soundless Chemical Demolition Agents," ASCE Foundation Engineering Congress, Chicago, IL, June 1989.


Hinze, Jimmie, and James Couey, "Weather in Construction Contracts," Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 115, No. 2, June 1989.


Hinze, Jimmie, Jimmy Hirakawa, and Neal Benjamin, "Comparison of Labor Agreements," Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 115, No. 1, March 1989.


Hinze, Jimmie, and James Couey, "Time and Weather Provisions in Construction Contracts of State Highway Agencies," Transportation Research Record 1234, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 1989.


Hinze, Jimmie, and Connie Madden, "More Women Join CEC Work Force," Navy Civil Engineer, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, Fall 1988.


Hinze, Jimmie, and Richard Plautz, "Positive Effects of Training, Experience, and Feedback," Journal of Management in Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 4, No. 4, October 1988.


Hinze, Jimmie, and Robert Parker, "Productivity Study on Extruded Concrete Curbing Operations," Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 114, No. 2, June 1988.


Hinze, Jimmie, and Paul Raboud, "Safety on Large Building Construction Projects," Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 114, No. 2, June 1988.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Qualities of Safe Superintendents," Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 113, No. 1, March 1987.


Hinze, Jimmie, TASK Committee on Productivity, "Role of ASCE in CICE Implementation-Recommendations," Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 112, No. 3, September 1986.


Hinze, Jimmie, and Maxine Hinze, "Problems Associated with Removal of Asbestos," Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 112, No. 2, June 1986.


Hinze, Jimmie, Maxwell Ugwu, Larry Hubbard, "Absenteeism in Construction Industry," Journal of Management in Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 1, No. 4, October 1985.


Hinze, Jimmie, and Jair Roxo, "Is Injury Occurrence Related to Lunar Cycles?" Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 110, No. 4, December 1984.


Borcherding John, and Jimmie Hinze, "Construction Labor Motivation, A Construction Industry Cost Effectiveness Project Report," Report A - 2, The Business Roundtable, New York, New York, August 1982.


Hinze, Jimmie, and K. Kuechenmeister, "Productive Foremen Characteristics," Journal of the Construction Division, ASCE, Vol. 107, No. CO4, December 1981.


Hinze, Jimmie, and Charles Harrison, "Safety Programs in Large Construction Firms," Journal of the Construction Division, ASCE, Vol. 107, No. CO3, Proc. Paper 16509, September 1981.


Hinze, Jimmie, and W. Bradford Ashton, "Financial Management Practices in Utility Construction Firms," Journal of the Construction Division, ASCE, Vol. 107, No. CO3, Proc. Paper 16499, September 1981.


Hinze, Jimmie, and Waleed Abdul-Baki, "Insurance Practices of Utility Contractors," Journal of the Construction Division, ASCE, Vol. 107, No. CO3, Proc. Paper 16498, September 1981.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Human Aspects of Construction Safety," Journal of the Construction Division, ASCE, Vol. 107, No. CO1, Proc. Paper 16088, March 1981.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Biorhythm Cycles and Injury Occurrences," Journal of the Construction Division, ASCE, Vol. 107, No. CO1, Proc. Paper 16085, March 1981.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Closure: Turnover, New Workers, and Safety," Journal of the Construction Division, ASCE, Vol. 106, No. CO3, September 1980.


Hinze, J. and N. Carino, "A Study of Work Practices Employed to Protect Workers in Trenches," NBSIR No. 80-1988, National Bureau of Standards, December 1979.


Hinze, Jimmie, and Francine Gordon, "Supervisor-Worker Relationship Affects Injury Rate," Journal of the Construction Division, ASCE, Vol. 105, No. CO3, Proc. Paper 14848, September 1979, pp. 253-262.


Hinze, Jimmie, and W. Bradford Ashton,  "Current Equipment Policies of Utility Contractors," Journal of the Construction Division, ASCE, Vol. 105, No. CO3, Proc. Paper 14816, September 1979, pp. 225-237.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Turnover, New Workers and Safety," Journal of the Construction Division, ASCE, Vol. 104, No. CO4, Proc. Paper 14209, December 1978, pp. 409-417.


Hinze, Jimmie W. and John Pannullo, "Safety: Function of Job Control," Journal of the Construction Division, ASCE, Vol. 104, No. CO2, Proc. Paper, June 1978, pp. 241-249.


Hinze, Jimmie W. and Henry Parker, "Safety: Productivity and Job Pressures, "Journal of the Construction Division, ASCE, Vol. 104, No. CO1, Proc. Paper 13593, March 1978, pp. 27-34.


Invited Keynote Addresses


Hinze, Jimmie, “Plateaus of Success and Mountains of Opportunity,” CIB W99 2006 International Conference on Global Unity for Safety and Health in Construction, Beijing, China, June 28-30, 2006.


Hinze, Jimmie (2005) “Construction Safety in the 21st Century” Third International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century, Advancing Engineering, Management and Technology, Athens, Greece, September 15-17.


Hinze, Jimmie (2005) “A Paradigm Shift: Leading To Safety” 4th Triennial International Conference, Rethinking and Revitalizing Construction Safety, Health, Environment and Quality. Port ElizabethSouth Africa, May 16-17


Hinze, Jimmie, “Safety Practices of Successful Firms,” Second International Conference of CIB Working Commission W99, Implementation of Safety and Health on Construction Sites, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 25, 1999.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Risk in Construction Contract Provisions” The 4th Annual Trenchless Technology Conference: Risk Assessment in Trenchless Technology for Sewer, Gas and Water Applications, February 4, 1997, St. Joseph, Missouri.


Hinze, Jimmie “A United Front for Construction Safety”, Proceedings of the First International Conference of CIB W99, Implementation of Safety and Health on Construction Sites, Lisbon, Portugal, 1996.


Proceedings Papers


Thurman, S. and J. Hinze. (2008) “Facility Owner Makes A Difference in Construction Safety Performance” CIB W99 2008 International Conference on Evolution of and Directions in Construction Safety and Health, Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A., March 9-11.


Flannery, J. and J. Hinze. (2008) “The Value Of A Safety Community Of Practice” CIB W99 2008 International Conference on Evolution of and Directions in Construction Safety and Health, Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A., March 9-11.


Hinze, J. and J. Marini. (2008) “Software To Select Design For Safety Suggestions” CIB W99 2008 International Conference on Evolution of and Directions in Construction Safety and Health, Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A., March 9-11.


Choudhry, R., D. Fang, and J. Hinze. (2008) “Investigating Safety And Productivity On Construction Sites” CIB W99 2008 International Conference on Evolution of and Directions in Construction Safety and Health, Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A., March 9-11.     


Grosskopf, K. and J. Hinze. (2008) “Worker Safety Training For Disaster Clean-Up and Reconstruction Activities” CIB W99 2008 International Conference on Evolution of and Directions in Construction Safety and Health, Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A., March 9-11.


Olbina, S. and J. Hinze. (2008) “Problem Areas In Personal Fall Protection” CIB W99 2008 International Conference on Evolution of and Directions in Construction Safety and Health, Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A., March 9-11.


Hinze, J. and P. Ballowe. (2008) “Analysis Of Construction Fatalities With A Cause Code Of Other” CIB W99 2008 International Conference on Evolution of and Directions in Construction Safety and Health, Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A., March 9-11.


Peng, Y., P. Zou, and J. Hinze. (2008) “Assessing Safety Risks On Construction Projects Using Fuzzy Analytic Network Process (ANP): A Proposed Model” CIB W99 2008 International Conference on Evolution of and Directions in Construction Safety and Health, Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A., March 9-11.


Ruben, M., J. Hinze, and T. Feronti,. (2008) “Safety Practices Of Small Construction Specialty Contractors” CIB W99 2008 International Conference on Evolution of and Directions in Construction Safety and Health, Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A., March 9-11.                     


Hinze, J. and M. Harris, “The Anchorage Component of Personal Fall Arrest Systems: Usage  and At-risk Practices in the Construction Industry,”  Conference of the American Society of Safety Engineers, June 27, 2007, Orlando, FL.


Hinze, J. and  R. Godfrey, “Inclusion of Construction Worker Well-Being in Sustainability,” Conference on Rethinking Sustainable Construction 2006: Next Generation Green Buildings, Sarasota, FL, September 19-22, 2006.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Student Attitudes about Construction Safety,” CIB W99 2006 International Conference on Global Unity for Safety and Health in Construction, Beijing, China, June 28-30, 2006.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Analysis of Eye Injuries of Construction Workers,” CIB W99 2006 International Conference on Global Unity for Safety and Health in Construction, Beijing, China, June 28-30, 2006.


Jimmie Hinze (2005) “Noise Generated by Construction Power Tools” Third International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century, Advancing Engineering, Management and Technology, Athens, Greece, September 15-17.


Jimmie Hinze, J. Nelson, and R. Evans (2005) “Software Integration of Safety in Construction Schedules” 4th Triennial International Conference, Rethinking and Revitalizing Construction Safety, Health, Environment and Quality. Port ElizabethSouth Africa, May 16 -17.


Jimmie Hinze, (2005) “Concealing the Occurrence of Construction Injuries” 4th Triennial International Conference, Rethinking and Revitalizing Construction Safety, Health, Environment and Quality. Port ElizabethSouth Africa, May 16 -17.


Gambatese, J., M. Behm, and J. Hinze, “Design for Safety”    Conference, Portland, OR, September 16, 2003.


Huang, Xinyu, and J. Hinze “Analysis of Construction Caught-in-or-between Accidents” 3rd International Postgraduate Research Conference In The Built And Human Environment, Lisbon, Portugal, April 3-4, 2003.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Improving Safety Performance on Large Construction Sites” CIB W-99 International Conference in San Paulo, Brazil, Construction Project Management Systems: The Challenge of Integration, San Paulo, Brazil, March 25-28, 2003.


Gambatese, J., M. Behm and J. Hinze, “Engineering Mandates Stipulated in OSHA Regulations,” ASCE Construction Congress VI, Honolulu, March 24, 2003.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Analysis of Trench Shield Injury Accidents” CIB W-65 Symposium on Organization and Management of Construction, Cincinnati, Ohio, September 2002.


Hinze, J., X. Huang, and J. McGlothlin, “Analysis of Construction Worker Fall Accidents” CIB W-65 Symposium on Organization and Management of Construction, Cincinnati, Ohio, September 2002. 


Hinze, Jimmie, “Designing for Deconstruction Safety,” Karlsruhe, Germany, April 1-2, 2002.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Achieving Safety Excellence in Large Construction Firms,” Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, Victoria, B.C., May 31, 2001.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Designing for Life Cycle Safety” Designing for Safety – An International Conference, London, June 26-27, 2000.


Hinze, Jimmie, “The Need for Academia to Address Construction Site Safety Through Design,” ASCE Construction Congress VI, Orlando, Florida, February 20-22, 2000.


Badger, William, et. al., “NSF/CII Construction Research Workshop Results,” ASCE Construction Congress VI, Orlando, Florida, February 20-22, 2000.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Construction Safety Education in the United States,” International Conference on Safety Coordination and Quality in Construction, CIB, Milan, Italy, June 22-23, 1999.


Hinze, Jimmie, and Steve Baseden, “The Changing Nature of Confined Spaces,” Proceeding of the Second International Conference of CIB Working Commission W99, Implementation of Safety and Health on Construction Sites, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 24-27, 1999.


Hinze, Jimmie, Richard Coble, and Brent Elliott, “Integrating Construction Worker Protection into Project Design,” Proceeding of the Second International Conference of CIB Working Commission W99, Implementation of Safety and Health on Construction Sites, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 24-27, 1999.


Coble, Richard, Jimmie Hinze, Michael McDermott, and Brent Elliott, “College’s Emphasis on Construction Safety,” Proceeding of the Second International Conference of CIB Working Commission W99, Implementation of Safety and Health on Construction Sites, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 24-27, 1999.


Hinze, Jimmie; Coble, Richard J.; and Elliott, Brent R.; “CPM Scheduling as a Tool for Construction Safety Planning,” International Council for Building Research Studies and Documentation (CIB), Proceedings of 2nd South African Construction Health and Safety Conference: Health and Safety in Construction: Accident Free Construction, Capetown, South Africa, November, 1998, pp. 76-81.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Addressing Construction Safety In The Design Phase,” Proceedings of Safety Symposium, Implementation of Safety and Health on Construction Sites, Lisbon, Portugal, 1998


Hinze, Jimmie and Kenneth Walsh, “Shoring as a Bid Item”, ASCE Construction Congress V, Minneapolis, October 6, 1997.


Hinze, Jimmie and Katherine Bren, “The Causes of Trenching Related Fatalities and Injuries”, ASCE Construction Congress V, Minneapolis, October 6, 1997.


Hinze, Jimmie, “The Engineer’s Design Decisions and Construction Site Safety”, National Society of Professional Engineers, 3rd Annual Professional Edge Conference, Charlotte, NC January 26-29, 1997.


Hinze, J.W. and Gambatese, J.A. (1996).  “Design Decisions that Impact Construction Worker Safety.”  Construction Safety & Health On-Site, C.I.B. Working Commission 99, Pub. 187, pp. 189-202.


Gambatese, J.A. and Hinze, J.W. (1997).  “A Guide for Safety Inspections.”  Implementation of Safety and Health on Construction Sites, C.I.B. Working Commission 99, Pub. 209, pp. 42-52.


Hinze, Jimmie, “The Construction Safety Record Since 1971,” 1996 Annual Convention, ASCE.  Washington, D.C., November 10-14, 1996.


Hinze, J. “Safety Constructability”, 1996 AIC Forum, Emerging Role of the Professional Constructor, April 10-14, 1996, Atlanta, GA.


Coble, Richard and J. Hinze, “Contracts,” ASCE, Florida Section Annual Meeting Proceedings, The Business of Civil Engineering, September 12-14, 1996, Sarasota, Florida.


Gambatese, J. and J. Hinze, “Addressing Construction Worker Safety in Design Phase”, The Organization and Management of Construction Shaping Theory and Practice; Proceedings, Volume Two, Managing the Construction Project and Managing Risk, Glasgow, Scotland, 1996.


Gambatese, J. and J. Hinze, “A Guide for Safety Inspections”, Proceedings of the First International Conference of CIB W99, Implementation of Safety and Health on Construction Sites, 1996.


Hinze, Jimmie “The Distractions Theory of Accident Causation”, Proceedings of the First International Conference of CIB W99, Implementation of Safety and Health on Construction Sites, 1996.


Hinze, Jimmie and J. Gambatese, “Using Injury Statistics to Develop Accident Prevention Programs”, Proceedings of the First International Conference of CIB W99, Implementation of Safety and Health on Construction Sites, 1996.


Hinze, Jimmie “Revised Coding System for Construction Fatalities and Injuries”, Proceedings of the First International Conference of CIB W99, Implementation of Safety and Health on Construction Sites, Lisbon, 1996.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Analysis of OSHRC Decisions on OSHA Violations” ASCE Construction Congress Proceedings of the 1995 Conference, ASCE, San Diego, CA, October 22-26, 1995.  (presented for Dennis Chojecki and Satish Mohan, Room 94.)


Hinze, Jimmie, “How Owners Can Identify and Employ Safe Contractors,” ASCE Construction Congress, Proceedings of the 1995 Conference, ASCE, San Diego, CA, October 22-26, 1995.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Who Do ASCE Members Work For?” ASCE Construction Congress, Proceedings of the 1995 Conference, ASCE, San Diego, CA, October 22-26, 1995.


Hinze, Jimmie and Garrett Young, “Scheduling Provisions in Standard Specifications of State Highway Agencies,” Transportation Research Board 74th Annual Meeting, Washington, D. C., January 22-28, 1995.


Hinze, Jimmie and Robert Blegan, “Construction Safety Provisions in State Highway Agency Contracts”, Transportation Research Board 74th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. January 22-28, 1995.


Gambatese, J., P. Goodrum, C. Haas, and J. Hinze, “Multimedia Design for Safety Tool for Road Construction,” Transportation Research Board 74th Annual Meeting, Washington, D. C., January 22-28, 1995.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Quantification of the Indirect Costs of Injuries,” Fifth Annual Rinker International Conference Focusing on Construction Safety and Loss Control, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, October 13, 1994.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Project Coordination in Construction Safety,” Fifth Annual Rinker International Conference Focusing on Construction Safety and Loss Control, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, October 13, 1994.


Hinze, Jimmie and John Gambatese, “Design Decisions that Impact Worker Safety,” Fifth Annual Rinker International Conference Focusing on Construction Safety and Loss Control, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, October 13, 1994.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Safety Provisions in Construction Contracts,” 1994 Annual Convention and Exposition, ASCE, Atlanta,. GA October 11, 1994.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Indirect Costs: It is Real Money,” Partners in Construction Cooperation Conference on the Cost Effectiveness of Safety, Portland, Oregon, November 28, 1990.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Training Requirements for Asbestos Workers and Supervisors,” ASCE Spring Convention, 7-CO, Nashville, TN, May 1988.


Benjamin, Neal B. H. and Jimmie Hinze, “Work Sampling Studies:  Do They Yield Valid Results?” CIB W-65 Symposium on Organization and Management of Construction, London, September 1987.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Absenteeism and Management,  First Annual Engineering Management Conference, Cincinnati Section of ASCE, Cincinnati, Ohio, March 2, 1984.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Safety and the Construction Process,” Moderator, ASCE Specialty Conference on Construction Equipment and Techniques for the Eighties, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, March 30, 1982.


Hinze, Jimmie and Timothy Burns, “Job Factors that Influence Construction Worker Productivity,” Proceedings of International Conference on Construction Project Modeling and Productivity, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, April 1991.


Hinze, Jimmie and Tom Marciniec, “Variations Observed in Cast-in-Place Concrete Construction,” Building Economics and Construction Management, CIB 90, Sydney, March 1990.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Training Requirements for Asbestos Workers and Supervisors,” ASCE Spring Convention, Session 7-CO, Nashville, TN, May 1988.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Current Issues in Asbestos Removal,” Proceedings Editor, ASCE Spring Convention, Nashville, TN, May 1988.


Reed, D. A. and Jimmie Hinze, “A Study of Construction Safety in Washington State, USA”, IABSE Symposium, Tokyo, September 1986.


Kimel, William R., Melford E. Monsees, and Jimmie Hinze, “Are Today’s Civil Engineering Graduates Qualified?” ASCE Conference on Civil Engineering Education, ASCE, Vol. 1, 1979.



Poster Presentations

Lentz, Thomas and Jimmie Hinze, "Surveys of Occupational Safety and Health Priorities in Selected Small and Large Construction Firms," 6th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Control,  Montreal, Canada, May 2002.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Designing for Life Cycle Safety” Design for Safety Conference, London, June, 2000.


Hinze, Jimmie.  25 Years of ASCE Publications on Construction Safety.  1996 Annual Convention, ASCE, Washington, D.C., November 10-14, 1996.



Recent Research Reports

Owner’s Role in Construction Safety, Construction Industry Institute, 2003.

Making Zero Accidents a Reality on Shutdown Projects, Construction Industry Institute, 2002.

Making Zero Accidents a Reality, Construction Industry Institute, March 2002.

Characterizing Safety in Large Construction Firms, NIOSH, 2000.

Characterizing Safety in Small Construction Firms, NIOSH, 2000.


Trade Journals or Non-Refereed Papers

Hinze, Jimmie, “Breaking Rocks & Concrete Without Explosives” Demolition, Vol. 26, No. 3, May/June 1998.


Gambatese, John and Jimmie Hinze, “A Designer’s Influence On Construction Worker Safety,” Construction Safety News, Vol. 8, No. 3, Fall 1997.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Who do ASCE Member Work For?” ASCE, Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, Vol. 1, No. 3, August 1996.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Are you Really in Control of Jobsite Safety?”, The American Institute of Constructors Newsletter, Vol. XXV, Number 3, June/July 1996.


Hinze, Jimmie and Steve Comer, “Contractually Assuring the Preservation of Paleontological Finds Discovered During Construction Operations”, Dallas Paleontological Society, The Fossil Record, Vol. 11, No. 11, November, 1995.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Metrication," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Vol. 41, No. 5, May 1993.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Charting Your Way Through Changing Projects," The National Utility Contractor, Vol. 17, No. 6, June 1993.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Managing Changes in Construction Work," The National Utility Contractor, Vol. 17, No. 5, May 1993.


Hinze, Jimmie, " Owners Seek Safer Builders," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Vol. 40, No. 8, August 1992.


Hinze, Jimmie, "The High Cost of Construction Injuries," Concrete Construction, April 1992.


Hinze, Jimmie, "All Contracts Are Not the Same," The National Utility Contractor, Vol. 15, No. 9, September 1991.


Hinze, Jimmie, "The Painful Cost of Construction Injuries," Builder and Contractor, Vol. 39, No. 4, April 1991.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Construction at the Top," Builder and Contractor, Vol. 39, No. 2, February 1991.


Hinze, Jimmie, "A New Study of Construction Injury Costs," EXCEL, A Quarterly Newsletter, Center for Excellence in Construction Safety, Vol. 4, No. 1, Fall, 1990.


Hinze, Jimmie, and Bruce Dammeier, "Litigation Proliferation:  Survey Finds Causes," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Vol. 96, No. 15, August 6, 1990.


Hinze, Jimmie, "The Full Implications of Injuries," The National Utility Contractor, Vol. 14, No. 6, June 1990.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Addressing the Unique Needs of Newly Hired Workers," EXCEL, A Quarterly Newsletter, Center for Excellence in Construction Safety, Vol. 3, No. 3, May 1990.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Digging in Someone Else's Backyard?" The National Utility Contractor, Vol. 14, No. 2, February 1990.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Up and Running:  ABC Study Confirms Health Care Construction Market's Soaring," Builder and Contractor, Vol. 38, No. 1, January 1990.


Hinze, Jimmie, and Theresa Antal,  "Protecting Historical Artifacts at Construction Sites," Public Works, Vol. 120, No. 11, October 1989.


Hinze, Jimmie, and Scott Brewer, "Contractor Legal Experiences," The National Utility Contractor, Vol. 13, No. 9, September 1989.


Hinze, Jimmie, and Scott Brewer, "Legal Experiences of Utility Contractors," The National Utility Contractor, Vol. 13, No. 8, August 1989.


Hinze, Jimmie, and Patrick Lyneis, "The Liability Crisis," The National Utility Contractor, Vol. 12, No. 8, August 1988.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Safety Payoff," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Vol. 93, No. 9, May 9, 1988.


Hinze, Jimmie, "How Does Your Equipment Maintenance Program Compare?" The National Utility Contractor, Vol. 12, No. 3, March 1988.


Hinze, Jimmie, and David Maxwell, "Company Growth and Safety Performance," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Vol. 93, No. 10, May 18, 1987.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Your Firm Needs a Substance-Abuse Policy," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Vol. 92, No. 23, December 8, 1986.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Foremen and Productivity," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Vol. 92, No. 20, October 20, 1986.


Hinze, Jimmie, and Matthew Mlekush, "The Surety/Contractor Relationship," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Vol. 92, No. 16, August 18, 1986.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Asbestos and Contractor Liability," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Vol. 92, No. 10, May 19, 1986.


Hinze, Jimmie, "The Safe Removal of Asbestos," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Vol. 91, No. 17, September 9, 1985.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Material Supplier/Equipment Dealer Practices in the Underground Construction Industry," The National Utility Contractor, Vol. 7, No. 10, October 1983.


Hinze, Jimmie, "The Legal Side of Utility Contractors," The National Utility Contractor, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 1981.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Banks, Bonds and Money, Part 2," The National Utility Contractor, Vol. 4, No. 11, November 1980.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Banks, Bonds and Money," The National Utility Contractor, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 1980.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Current Trenching Practices," The National Utility Contractor, Vol. 4, No. 8, August 1980.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Construction Education - Now and Possibly in the Future," The National Utility Contractor, Vol. 3, No. 11, November 1979.


Hinze, Jimmie, "What to Do for Insurance Coverage," The National Utility Contractor, Vol. 3, No. 10, October 1979.


Hinze, Jimmie, "The Case for the Double Declining Balance," The National Utility Contractor, Vol. 3, No. 4, April 1979.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Effective Safety Meetings," The National Utility Contractor, Vol. 2, No. 8, August 1978.


Hinze, Jimmie W., "Company Concern and Safety Go Together," The National Utility Contractor, Vol. 2, No. 8, August 1978.


Hinze, Jimmie W., "Analyzing Contractor Equipment Policies," The National Utility Contractor, Vol. 2, No. 7, July 1978.


Hinze, Jimmie W., "Worker Turnover and Job Safety," The National Utility Contractor, Vol. 2, No. 1, January 1978.


Hinze, Jimmie W., "Effective Job Control Improved Job Safety," The National Utility Contractor, Vol. 1, No. 3, December 1977, pp. 23-25.


Hinze, Jimmie W., “How Dollar Volume Changes a Company,  The National Utility Contractor, Vol. 1, No. 2, November 1977, pp. 26-27.


Presentations/Professional Seminars


Hinze, J. “Early Integration of Safety into Construction Projects” 1st International Conference on Transportation Construction Management, February 11, 2009, Orlando, FL.


Hinze, J. “Leading Indicators of Safety Performance” VPPAC.org conference, World of Concrete, Las Vegas, NV, Feb. 6, 2009.


Hinze, J. “Hurricane Reconstruction Safety Training” Industrial Fire, Safety & Security Conference & Exhibition, Houston, TX, February 4, 2009.


Hinze, J. “How to Get Good Safety Performance: It is not in the  Numbers” University of Sydney Seminar Series, December 10, 2008, Sydney, Australia.


Hinze, J. “Effective Safety Practices on Construction Projects” Purdue University, invited speaker, West LaFayette, IN, October 4, 2008.


Hinze, J. “Early Integration of Safety into Construction Projects” MICCS Conference on Construction Safety, October 2, 2008, Indianapolis, IN.


Hinze, J., C. Kirby and J. Flannery, Safety Community of Practice, Back to the Future, Leading the Next 25 Years, CII Annual Conference, Keystone, CO, Aug. 2008.


Hinze, J. Natural “Safety – Planning for Disaster”, Florida Heating Cooling Contractors Association Convention, June 28, 2008, Cape Canaveral.


Hinze, J. “Zero Incidents and Beyond” Parson’s Safety Forum, April 29, 2008, Williamsburg, VA.


Hinze, J., Webinar: The Owner’s Role in Construction Safety, Feb 18, 2008, Austin, Texas.


Hinze, J. “Practices that Influence Safety Performance on Power Plant Outages”, 13th Annual Outage “Best Practices” Conference, , Aug. 22, 2007, Clearwater Beach, Florida.


Hinze, J., Webinar: Improving Safety Performance with Upstream Indicators, June 11, 2007, Austin, Texas.


Hinze, J., Thurman, S., Spear, R., Cross, R.., and Meek, H., “Target Safety,” 2006 Risk Engineering Conference, Zurich Insurance, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 19, 2006.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Leading Indicators of Construction Safety Performance,” ConocoPhillips Downstream Construction Network - Face to Face Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, September 20, 2006.


Hinze, J., Thurman, S., Spear, R., Flannery, J., and Meek, H., “Target Safety,” 2006 CII Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, July 26, 2006.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Safety in a Construction Management Curriculum,” MSA End-User Construction Council, Denver, CO, July 17, 2006.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Safety Comes From Management,” Pre-Conference Workshop, CIB W99 2006 International Conference on Global Unity for Safety and Health in Construction, Beijing, China, June 26, 2006.


Hinze, Jimmie, “OSHA – Preparing for a Disaster,” Disaster Preparation & Recovery Seminar, The National Association of the Remodeling Industry, Tampa, FL, June 14, 2006.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Current Issues that are Impacting Construction Safety,” CII Product Implementation Workshop, Tampa, FL, April 18, 2006.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Construction Education in the United States,” Fachhochshule-Lippe und Hoxter, Detmold, Germany, May 7, 2005.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Successful Approaches to Address Specific Safety Concerns,” Construction Industry Institute Construction Project Improvement (CPI) Conference, Austin, Texas, September 12, 2005.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Improving Profits Through Safety,” Construction Safety Forum, Cargill Incorporated, Bartow, FL., Oct. 7, 2004.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Safety as a Core Company Value,” Construction Safety Forum, The Southern  Company, Opelika, AL. Aug. 10, 2004.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Practices that Enhance Safety Performance on Large Projects,” Construction Institute Day, Nashville 2003 Civil Engineering Conference & Exposition, Nashville, TN, Nov. 14, 2003.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Trends in Construction Safety,” Peurifoy Lecture, Nashville 2003 Civil Engineering Conference & Exposition, ASCE, Nashville, TN, Nov. 14, 2003.


Gambatese, J., and Hinze, J., "Engineer’s Role in Designing for Safety," Nashville 2003 Civil Engineering Conference & Exposition, ASCE, Nashville, TN, Nov. 12, 2003.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Effective Practices to Achieve Zero Injuries on Projects” Midwest Construction Conference, Construction Institute, Minneapolis, MN, May 2003.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Contractor Safety and the Effect on Safety Performance of Owner Involvement in Safety Programs,” Florida Construction Users Roundtable, Inc., Kissimmee, FL, January 9, 2003.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Findings Gathered Through Construction Safety Research,” Fluor Corporation Safety Management Meeting, Greenville, SC, December 11-12, 2002.


Nunez, R., Florence, R., Hinze, J. et. al., Certification for Professional Safety Management, Gainesville, FL, October 4-11, 2002.


Nunez, R., Florence, R., Hinze, J. et. al., Certification for Professional Safety Management, Gainesville, FL, February 9-15, 2002.


Hinze, J., J. Mathis, P. D. Frey, G. Wilson, and G. Marconnet, “Making Zero Accidents a Reality,” ABC Annual Convention, New Orleans, February 28, 2002.


Hinze, J., J. Mathis, P. D. Frey, G. Wilson, M. Cobb and G. Marconnet, “Making Zero Accidents a Reality,” CPI Conference, Austin, TX, September 24, 2001.


Hinze, J., J. Mathis, P. D. Frey, G. Wilson, P. DeForge, M. Cobb and G. Marconnet, “Making Zero Accidents a Reality,” Annual Conference of the Construction Industry Institute, San Francisco, CA, August 8, 2001.


Hinze, Jimmie, “The Pursuit of Zero Injuries on Large Construction Projects,” Annual Safety Meeting of Watkins Engineering and Construction, Tallahassee, FL, July 25, 2001.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Safety Best Practices in the Construction Industry” Oregon Governor’s Conference on Safety and Health, Portland, OR, March 5, 2001.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Survey Shows Commitment to Safety by Large Construction Firms Produces Results,” National Occupational Injury Research Symposium (NOIRS), National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Pittsburgh, PA, Oct. 18, 2000.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Integrating Safety into the Project Schedule,” 13th Annual Professional Development Conference, American Society of Safety Engineers Region VI, Invited Speaker, Myrtle Beach, September 22, 1999.



Hinze, Jimmie, “What Designers Can Do to Improve Construction Safety,” 1998 Annual Convention, ASCE.  Boston, MA, October 21, 1998.


Hinze, Jimmie, “A Site Safety Plan and Safety Education and Training,” 1998 Annual Convention, ASCE.  Boston, MA, October 21, 1998.


Hinze, Jimmie, and John Clay, “Profile of a Small Construction Firm,” 1998 Annual Convention, ASCE.  Boston, MA, October 19, 1998.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Design for Safety,” Meeting of the Greater New Orleans Business Roundtable, Metairie, LA, April 30, 1998.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Death Traps: Do They Still Exist?” Texas Safety Association’s 59th Annual Southwest Conference & Exposition,” Austin, Texas, April 7,1998.


Hinze, Jimmie and Gary Wilson, “CII Zero Accident Study Validation” Texas Safety Association’s 59th Annual Southwest Conference & Exposition,” Austin, Texas, April 7,1998.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Safety Programs: Their Effect on a Construction Company’s Profitability”, Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. General Membership Meeting, March 13, 1997, Tampa, FL.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Analysis of OSHRC Decisions on OSHA Violations" ASCE Construction Congress, Proceedings of the 1995 Conference, ASCE, San Diego, Calif., Oct. 22‑26, 1995. (Presented for Dennis Chojecki and Satish Mohan).


Hinze, Jimmie, "How Owners Can Identify and Employ Safe Contractors," ASCE Construction Congress, Proceedings of the 1995 Conference, ASCE, San Diego, Calif., Oct. 22‑26, 1995.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Who Do ASCE Members Work For?" ASCE Construction Congress, Proceedings of the 1995 Conference, ASCE, San Diego, Calif., Oct. 22‑26, 1995.


Gambatese, J., Goodrum, P., Haas, C, and Hinze, J., "Multimedia Design for Safety Tool for Road Construction," Transportation Research Board 74th Annual Meeting, Washington, D. C., January 22‑28, 1995.


Hinze, Jimmie, and Young, Garrett, "Scheduling Provisions in Standard Specifications of State Highway Agencies," Transportation Research Board 74th Annual Meeting, Washington, D. C., January 22‑28, 1995.


Hinze, Jimmie, and Blegan, Robert, "Construction Safety Provisions in State Highway Agency Contracts," Transportation Research Board 74th Annual Meeting, Washington, D. C., January 22‑28, 1995.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Designing for Safety," Recent Developments in Construction Site Safety: Impacts on Owners, Contractors, Construction Managers, and Design Professionals, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, October 28, 1994.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Quantification of the Indirect Costs of Injuries," Fifth Annual Rinker International Conference Focusing on Construction Safety and Loss Control, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, October 14, 1994.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Project Coordination in Construction Safety," Fifth Annual Rinker International Conference Focusing on Construction Safety and Loss Control, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, October 13, 1994.


Hinze, Jimmie, and John Gambatese, "Design Decisions That Impact Worker Safety," Fifth Annual Rinker International Conference Focusing on Construction Safety and Loss Control, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, October 13, 1994.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Safety Provisions in Construction Contracts," 1994 Annual Convention and Exposition, ASCE, Atlanta, GA, October 11, 1994.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Transportation in New Zealand," Student Chapter of ITE, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, April 8, 1993.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Facing the Future:  Metrication, Problem or Opportunity," National Convention of the Associated Builders and Contractors, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 17, 1993.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Key Elements of an Effective Safety Program," (two presentations), National Convention of the Associated Builders and Contractors, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 15, 1993.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Construction Dispute Avoidance," Construction Management Association of America, Seattle, Washington, February 25, 1993.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Impact of Technology on Construction Engineering Education," Northwest Construction Consumer Council, Seattle, Washington, October 28, 1992.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Managing for Safety," New Zealand Department of Labour, Wellington, August 6, 1992, and Auckland, August 7, 1992.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Construction Safety or In Search of a Cause," Civil Engineering Seminar, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, June 30, 1992.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Soundless, Chemical, Demolition Agents," Civil Engineering Seminar, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, March 24, 1992.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Construction Safety," Exxon Chemical Project Management Seminar, Houston, Texas, October 10, 1991.


Hinze, Jimmie, "The True Costs of Injuries," Construction Industry Institute Annual Conference, Monterey, California, August 14, 1991.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Research Projects Undertaken at the University of Washington in the Area of Construction," AACE, April 17, 1991.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Marketing to the Fortune 1000," 41st Annual Convention of the Associated Builders and Contractors, Maui, Hawaii, January 29‑30, 1991.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Indirect Costs: It Is Real Money," Partners in Construction Cooperation Conference On the Cost Effectiveness of Safety, Portland, Oregon, November 28, 1990.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Indirect Costs Associated with Construction Injuries," National Conference on Construction Safety and Health, Seattle, Washington, September 25, 1990.


Hinze, Jimmie, "The Construction Labor Shortage in the Construction Industry," Northwest Construction Consumer Council, Bellingham, Washington, April 25, 1990.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Construction Engineering in the United States," invited speaker to the Engineering Faculty, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, March 13, 1990.


Hinze, Jimmie, "CII Safety Cost Survey," Northwest Construction Consumer Council, Bellingham, Washington, January 23, 1990.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Unresolved Issues in Asbestos Removal," Seminar for Weyerhaeuser Project Managers, Seattle, Washington, November 8, 1989.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Construction Project Management," American Association of Cost Engineers, Seattle, Washington, October 19, 1989.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Construction Management in the United States," China National Construction Engineering Delegation, Seattle, Washington, November 17, 1988.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Training Requirements for Asbestos Workers and Supervisors," ASCE Spring Convention, 7‑CO, Nashville, Tennessee, May 1988.


Benjamin, Neal B.H., and Jimmie Hinze, "Work Sampling Studies: Do They Yield Valid Results?" CIB W‑65 Symposium on Organization and Management of Construction, London, September 1987.


Reed, D.A., and Jimmie Hinze, "A Study of Construction Safety in Washington State, USA," IABSE Symposium, Tokyo, September 1986.


Hinze, Jimmie, and Maxine Hinze, "Problems with Asbestos Removal," one‑half hour television presentation on "Missouri Forum," Columbia, Missouri, August 1984.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Absenteeism and Management," First Annual Engineering Management Conference, Cincinnati Section of ASCE, Cincinnati, Ohio, March 2, 1984.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Safety and the Construction Process," Moderator, ASCE Specialty Conference on Construction Equipment and Techniques for the Eighties, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, March 30, 1982.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Management of Construction Projects for Contractors," Professional Development Services, St. Louis, Missouri, May 28‑29, 1980.


Hinze, Jimmie, "Plan to Run a Safe Operation," January 18, 1980, at the 40th Annual Land Improvement Contractor's Short Course, Columbia, Missouri.


Hinze, Jimmie, “Field Study on Trenching Practices,” September 19, 1978, at an OSHA Trenching Safety Workshop held in Washington, D.C.


Hinze, Jimmie W., “Supervisory Safety,” February 1978 at the Annual Safety Meeting of the Columbia Paving Company, Columbia, Missouri.


Hinze, Jimmie W., Presentation of “Safe Practices in Shoring Trenches from Border to Border,” February 16, 1977 at the 1977 Annual Meeting and Banquet of the Heavy Construction Association of the Greater Kansas City Area.




Recent Grants and Contracts

Post Natural Disaster Reconstruction Safety, Susan Harwood Training Grant, OSHA, 2007-2009, $135,000.

Proposed: Study of Subcontract Provisions as a Means of Influencing Safety Performance, Construction Industry Institute, $20,000.

Assessment of Conoco-Phillips Leading  Indicator Index as a Predictor of Safety Performance, Conoco Phillips, $10,000

Study of Anchorage for Personal Fall Arrest Systems, American Society of Safety Engineers, $19,960.

Exploration of the Under-reporting of Construction Injuries (2004), Center to Protect Workers’ Rights, $18,886.

Target Safety (2004), Construction Industry Institute, $98,025

Trench Box Safety (2001), Construction Safety Alliance, NIOSH, $10,000

The Study of Falls (2001), Construction Safety Alliance, NIOSH, $10,000

The Role of Owners in Construction Safety (2001), Construction Safety Alliance, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, $160,000

Extending the Scope of "Making Zero Accidents a Reality" Focusing on Short-Term Work Activities (2000), Construction Industry Institute, $46,992.

Characterizing Safety in Large Firms (1999), NIOSH, $2,500

Characterizing Safety in Small Firms (1999), NIOSH, $2,500

Making Zero Accidents a Reality (1999), Construction Industry Institute, $104,188.



Other Activities

Conference Chair, ASCE Construction Congress VI, Orlando, FL, Feb. 20-22, 2000

Director of the Exchange Program between the M. E. Rinker, Sr. School of Building Construction and the Fachhochschule Lippe und Hoxter (Germany).

Graduate Student Advising




Research Topic











Raymond Godfrey





Matthew Harris





Qu Tan




(External) Ph.D

Jose M. Sanda

Development of Engineering and Implementation Measures to Improve the Safety of Pedestrians and Bicyclists in Highway Construction Work Zones




Bunjun Kim





Xinyu Huang

The Owner’s Role in Construction Safety




Brent Elliot

Investigation of the construction scheduling communication process : problems, foreman's role, means of improvement, and use of information technology



Member,  Ph.D. Committee



The Performance Approach to Construction Worker Safety and Health



Member,  Ph.D. Committee

Wei Sun

Using GIS-Based Integrated Information System for Construction Project Information Integration



(External) Ph.D.

Juan Suarez




(External) Ph.D

Ana Elias









  1. Chair

Jacob Vickers




  1. Co-Chair

Chirag Upadhyaya




  1. Chair

Matthew Ruben




  1. Chair

Bradley Hunter




  1. Chair

Supriya Ghule




  1. Chair

Peter Donker




  1. Chair

Joshua Casart




  1. Chair

Shane Bizzell




  1. Chair

Paul Ballowe




  1. Chair

Christopher Arduengo




  1. Chair

Joshua Dixon

Report completed, degree pending



  1. Chair

John Domeier




  1. Chair

Alexander Curry




  1. Member

Brian Crum




  1. Chair

James Marini




  1. Chair

Joshua Markowitz




  1. Chair

Alexis McGuffin




  1. Member

Carl McNutt




  1. Chair

John Nichols




  1. Chair

Sharma Deepak




  1. Chair

Brandon Shore




  1. Member

Courtney Jennings




  1. Chair

Suezann Bohner




  1. Chair

Staci Bartlett




  1. Member

John Banting




  1. Chair

Eric Anderson




  1. Chair

John Abbitt




  1. Chair

Samuel Scialabba

Quantitative Evaluation of OCIP Effectiveness



  1. Member

Mark Hammerschmidt




  1. Member

Sean Quinn




  1. Chair

Thomas Feronti




  1. Member

Jayd Torchia




  1. Member

Christopher Ware




  1. Chair

Mark Kim




  1. Co-Chair

Jeffry Kohl




  1. Chair

Jonathan Bedford




  1. Chair

Thomas Feronti




  1. Chair

Michael              Humphries

Injuries Associated with Specific

Work Tasks



  1. Chair

Jennifer Escubar

Nature of Hispanic Workers



  1. Chair

John Schrantz

Day Labor Agencies



  1. Chair

Tray Christian

Scaffolding Injury Analysis



  1. Chair

Damien Pizarro

Implementing Target Safety Programs



  1. Chair

Josh Dixon

Efficient and Safe Use of Equipment



  1. Chair

Austin Pella

Effectiveness of OCIPs



  1. Chair

Mike Madariaga

Targeted Safety Programs



  1. Chair

Kelle Feronti

Safety in Small Construction Firms



  1. Chair

Gregory Callahan




  1. Chair

Casey Lewis




49.    Member

Juan Suarez




50.    Chair

Robert Berg

Jobsite Security on Commercial Construction Projects



  1. Chair

Brent Anderson

The Effects of Mold on the Practices of Florida Building Contractors



  1. Chair

Francisco          Montealegre

Jobsite Security in Residential Construction



  1. Chair

Marcelo Marin

Training Hispanic Construction Workers in Florida



  1. Chair

Michael Sturgis

Safety Guidelines for the Deconstruction of a Single Family House



  1. Chair

Sherif Mansour

Safety & Prodictivity: The Hard Equation



  1. Chair

Raymond Godfrey

Safety Practices on Shutdown    Projects



  1. Chair

Patrick Madigan

Residential Construction Safety



  1. Co-Chair

William Glenn

Safety in Residential Construction



  1. Chair

Mohamed Said

Best Safety Practices in the U.S. Developed into a Model for Implementing Improved Safety  Practices in Egypt

·         BCN


  1. Chair

Indrid Agaj

Safety in Large Construction Projects



  1. Chair

Akitoshi Hatahira

Construction Curriculum can be Enhanced to Address Design-Build



  1. Chair

Lani Terry

Causation Factors of Construction

Struck By Accidents



  1. Member

John Clark

Facility Manager’s Guide for Air Force Clinical Engineers



  1. Member

Bumjun Kim

Slip and Fall Prevention in Construction



  1. Member

Christopher            Shepherd

Florida Construction Industry’s Involvement in Deterring Workers’ Compensation Fraud



  1. Member

P. Verawetwatana

Developer’s Role in Real Estate Development



  1. Member

Thomas Matzke

Design Build - The Role of the Architect



68.    Member

Mahendra Bhatt

Management of Construction Delay Claims



  1. Member

David Emmons

Their Relation to the Construction Industry