Performance Evaluation


This past week you prepared a job description for a position on a construction project.  This job description will come in handy for this week’s assignment. 


First of all, you are to assume that you are the superior of the individual that was described in your job position assignment.  You are to fabricate a scenario in which you will write a letter to the subordinate.  The situation is one in which the individual has fallen short of your expectations or has done something that is counter to the job description.  This is to be a reasonably realistic scenario, one that others could easily envision occurring on a construction site.


The letter is to enumerate very specifically what the individual has done.  You may need to make up names (show the positions in parentheses) for the individuals involved.  Ideally the scenario should be in relation to the job description that you wrote.  This letter is not one in which the individual is being fired.  Instead, you feel that this issue can be resolved and that the individual can be a valued member of the company.  You want to stress to this individual that the action or behavior cannot continue, but that you want to also encourage the individual to try to succeed.  Obviously, there is a delicate line between stressing the importance of compliance on the part of the employee and still not making the individual feel so bad that the person may want to seek another position with someone else.  Use good grammar as this letter could form the basis for the documentation to terminate this individual if things do not turn around, but it may also serve as a benchmark that can show subsequently how the individual has improved. 


In the body of the letter, comment on the job description to support your view or provide information that should have been stated more clearly in the job description or that should have been inferred from the job description.


You are to submit the letter in hardcopy at the beginning of class on September 12.