
Sprayers-Hand (Download)

Hand Sprayers Source: www.srgc.org.uk/…/100107/Hand%20sprayer.jpg Descriptive Information Hand sprayers use air pressure to build up in the system. The substance is released when the trigger is pulled. Hand sprayers can come in different sizes, two typical sizes are hand held and backpack sprayers. Standard Usage In Construction Painting Staining Insulating Pesticides Herbicides Fireproofing Roofing Tar Painting House Source: w ww.spfroof.com/images/SprayProfile_300.jpg Spraying Foam On Roof Source: http://www.fotosearch.com/CSP123/k1230333 Safety Concerns Inhaling toxic paint fumes or other dangerous chemicals Chemical exposure to skin Chemical exposure to eyes Some sprayers are loud which can cause hearing loss Source: Google Images Example Fatality A worker was performing refractory work, spraying insulating material inside of a regenerator. He had just completed an area and was moving to a new location. According to witnesses, he started to descend a 10 ft ladder when he collapsed and fell approximately 6 ft to the wooden work deck. CPR was administered, but failed. Source: Extracted From OSHA Accident Investigation Data 1990-2007 Fatality Data Most deaths and injuries are caused from falling while using a sprayer Other injuries and deaths occur when breathing toxic fumes and fires from flashpoint 7 deaths investigated by OSHA 1990 thru 2007 Source: Extracted from OSHA accident investigation data 1990-2007 Types Of Injuries Respiratory illness Eye injury Chemical burn Falls off ladders and scaffolding Safety Procedures PPE Equipment Respirator Eye protection Gloves Body suit Steel-toes shoes Ear protection Best Practices Point sprayer away from face and other workers Have proper ventilation Source: Google Images Safety Precautions Paint Sprayer: T his equipment is not intended for use with flammable or combustible materials used in places such as cabinet shops or other “factory” or fixed locations . Always comply with NFPA33 requirements for the use of flammable and combustible materials . Use water-based or mineral spirit-type materials only. Do not use materials having flash points lower than 21°C. For more information request MSDS from distributor or retailer . Source: http://magnum.graco.com/products/M_Pages.nsf/Webpages/1Paint_Sprayer_Operation Safety Precautions FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD Flammable fumes, such as solvent and paint fumes, in work area can ignite or explode. • Use equipment only in well ventilated area. • Eliminate all ignition sources • Sprayer generates sparks. When flammable liquid is used in or near the sprayer or for flushing or cleaning, keep sprayer at least 20 feet away from explosive vapors. • Keep work area free of debris, including solvent, rags and gasoline. Do not plug or unplug power cords or turn lights on or off when flammable fumes are present. • Ground equipment and conductive objects in work area. Read Grounding instructions. • Keep a fire extinguisher in the work area. Source: http://magnum.graco.com/products/M_Pages.nsf/Webpages/1Paint_Sprayer_Operation Safety Procedures Several types of hand sprayers are used in the construction industry Personal Protective Equipment should be worn at all times Common sense safety precautions should be taken Source: Google Images Think Safety Work Safely

Posted in Construction Safety.